Every child deserves the best education. Our school needs your help to make this happen. Your donation, big or small, can help us buy books, update our classrooms, and give our students the best. Please consider giving a gift today. Your support means more than words can express. Thank you for your generosity.

Donate Via PayPal

  • Donate by Mail to Hope Education Mission, 504 Grove Avenue, IA 50841
  • Donate online at hedmission.org
  • Hope Education Mission is a public charity organization and qualifies as an exempt entity under the IRC section 501(c)3.
  • Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Giving Options

$50 to provide a school uniform and books for a nursery/elementary student.
$130 can sponsor one elementary student for a year.
$150 to sponsor a teacher's monthly salary.
$200 to train an apprentice in craft/vocational school.
$500 - $600 can sponsor one college/university student for a year.
S5,000 - Provision of borehole/drilled water well for 100 village households.

Areas of Focus

What We Do

Education: Our core objective at Hope Education Mission is the education of children and youths, in both formal and vocational training areas. Despite the Nigerian government's requirement for free, compulsory, and basic education for every child of public elementary and junior high school age, children still need to provide uniforms, writing materials, desks, and training tools. These pose incredible challenges for many, coupled with walking miles to and back from school. Furthermore, a significant number of college and university students are struggling, with as little as $500-$600 required for a year of tuition.

Water: Over 70% of rural households in Nigeria lack access to improved water supplies, causing them to rely on sources susceptible to waterborne diseases. To mitigate this, Hope Education Mission is dedicated to establishing drilled boreholes in precincts and households.

Craft and Vocational Training: Recognizing the need to develop key competencies for wealth creation and entrepreneurship for young individuals, we focus on sponsoring students through craft training centers, vocational, and technical colleges.

Why We Help

When you give a child hope educationally, and meet the dire needs of the impoverished, you are doing so much more than meeting a need - you are giving them back their life and future.

Who We Help

HEM supports the education of the poorest of the poor and the underprivileged children of the community of Okopedi Okobo, Nigeria, and its surroundings.


The primary focus of HEM is education. Through donations and gifts, we have provided tuition to over 7 college students and provided each with a laptop computer. We have supported over 10 students through primary and high school with financial assistance. We have supplied books, pens, pencils, and backpacks to over 1,200 students in the Okopedi, Nung Atai, and Obufi areas of our community. We've trained 9 youths in various craft and trade skilled specialties and provided sewing machines and small fuel generators to some on completion. We have provided clean drinking water to 4 households in rural Nigeria. All is possible through the generous support from our donors and organizations. We are appreciative and grateful to each one of you!

Ongoing Project

We are currently erecting a story building comprising academic and administrative blocks for Adiaha Obong Nursery and Primary School in Okopedi Okobo, Nigeria. The new building will replace a 33-year-old structure, accommodating up to 400 elementary school children from the community and surrounding villages, and staff upon completion. The estimated cost of completion and dedication totals $250,000.